I have just been having fun making the cake from HELL. I usually trust the Edmonds Cookbook and I guess I'm guilty of not reading the Christmas cake recipe properly but they should have added a few description to help us brainless bakers......
How about a warning like - this recipe makes enough to feed the NZ Army
and - no, you wont have a mixing bowl big enough, use the bath tub
and - even though it says use one cake tin there is no way on earth that you will have one
big enough and it's going to take two
and - warning! the batter will have the consistency of clay sticking to gumboots
and - wash up immediately because the clay will turn to concrete as soon as that oven door
Well it's cooking away now, it will be a long night 4 1/2 hr cooking time, good thing I've got plenty to keep me busy, don't ask why I choose to cook a cake the size of a small continent on Christmas Eve when I've had all week to do it.
Daisy is still ill, poor wee thing. Today the vet put her back on antibiotics, anti-inflamatory and pain killers. She has a very high temp and is sleeping all the time. It seem she has a cold as well as the leg problems. The bucket is gone but she is still limping badly.
The boys are so excited and have taken themselves off to bed early, not sure if they are asleep yet so I will wait a bit before I do my Mrs Santa jobs.
I'm looking forward to some yummy food for lunch tomorrow, my favourite thing is salmon and the restaurant prepare it several ways so I will be having a small course of each one. Throw in a few prawns and a glass of wine and I will be very happy!
Its cold here at the moment, a real chill in the air at night, still it makes it nice and cosy inside with the tree all lit up.
Can't wait to talk to our family tomorrow and I'm thinking of my friends and family that we wont be able to reach and are hoping that everything is going well for you.
Steve and Joanne, Renee (lost your email so send me a message please) Andy and Raewyn - you are away for a few days I hear, Dorene (nice to chat the other day), Judy (thanks for the Silent night email).
OK, time for me to get moving again, I might even make bed before midnight (a record for sure)
a quick shower, get the prezzies out of hiding and do something with those darn cakes!
Credits: Kit by Arlene Santo, Scrapbook Element,s Newsletter Gift
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