Firstly, Thanks for those emails. I will reply to all emails later today.
We were up well before dawn today (murder to the boys who are on the first day of their holidays). Just down the road a huge hot air balloon festival is taking place. In the paper they said the biggest outside of North America. Around 75 balloons, it was so spectacular!
We arrived at 6.30am not really knowing what to expect and pretty soon balloons were being inflated all around us. I have so many photos but can only give you a wee sample here.
I will go back with Grant when he isn't at work for another look, it was our first look close up at these balloons (only ever seen from a distance) and it's quite a sight.
Yesterday Grant got some photos of them flying right over the house, I was taking Scott to school so missed that but I guess we will be seeing them again if the wind blows the right way.
Daisy is slowly getting better. She had 3 days staying at the vet, and will have her plastic collar on for a couple more days. She is not at all happy, manages to bump into absolutely everything and spends a lot of time licking the inside of it as she can't get at anything else.
We seem to have seen the end of the rain for a while, but it really mucked up the school Christmas carol performances. Jake's evening ended up being postponed and was finally held over two sessions in the school hall. I only got one photo of it before my camera died (flat battery!) but I will post that later today.
Today is my "clean up the house day" its not had a lot of attention for a while and I want to get it nice for Xmas (better be quick!). We stopped getting a cleaning lady months ago, didn't fit in with the karting budget - oh, the sacrifices!!!!! anyway, cleaning and e-mails that's it for me today, some baking if I can squeeze that in as well.
Enjoy the photo's

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