It's been a weird week or two, I've been in a scratchy mood and so of course nothing seems to go right when you feel like that!
Jake's big rugby tournament turned out to be a bit of a flop for us (his club did really well)
Did you know that when you get a blister, if you keep wearing the same boots and keep running around in them it WILL get worse - a plaster will NOT help (I'm sure you do and we do too now)
So Jake missed out playing with his team for a draw in the final, we all arrived home hot, tired and glum.
It's been constantly busy, still more meetings... school trips, parent/teacher
interview for Scott.
We have had open days at the two colleges that Jake would like to go to. It looks like he will go straight through to his primary schools sister college.
Jake's teacher is happy that he will cope even though his exam results don't show it. The other college that Jake is keen on is to one that Scott attends. After talking to them they encouraged me to apply for Jake, he has two things in his favour (a sibling at the school and a fairly high IQ), so despite his poor last exam results they will look at him, he will however have to do an entrance exam. My main criteria is good support for Jake's needs. I will let you know how it all works out.
Speaking of support I have been assisting Jake in class for one of his literacy lessons, this is in addition to the 5 dyslexia support lessons that I do. Its certainly interesting being in class with Jake, I'm not sure that I help him that much but it's been quite a learning curve for me. I can see now that one of
Jake's biggest problems is his processing and working speed. He needs a lot of time to get things done. However, he still understands everything and it's a sign that he has good teachers because he is so happy and positive about school. Jake is also getting after school help
privately (not sure if I mentioned that before) it's working out really well, its just a bit of a scramble getting there on time.
The last week has not been to good for me health wise. I think it's been brewing for a while and that's why I have not been feeling myself. I had a lot of pain in my back and side a few nights ago and fearing that it was kidney stones again went to the hospital. (10pm at night - luckily Grant was around). I have had lots of tests and they suspect some sort of infection, still waiting on the results but the antibiotics they gave me seem to be working (like
domestos the doctor said - kills everything).
Here is a photo of Jake from last weekend.
Now onto this weekend. Christmas tree time!!!! Jake and I will put the tree up and make the house all Christmassy.
Scott and Grant have their big event - The Biland Worlds!!! It is a very big international race meeting, I haven't been down to the track yet but its been transformed according to Grant. Scott will be competing against 25 Juniors and there are about 50 Seniors. It's huge for Dubai and will be a great experience for Scott. Scott is paying to race here rather than most competitors who have won their way here by being the best in their countries. Scott has only had and hour or so in this type of kart which is quite different from his own. He is hoping to do well but will be happy to be at the front of the local guys. He is mainly looking forward to the race experience of big fleets and racing to international standards and rules.
I am just about too nervous to watch after that big crash at the last meeting. I want Scott to be careful but I know he has to be aggressive out there. I just have to keep quiet and trust that he knows what he is doing.
I really will be back with updates over the weekend. Today they are being allocated their karts, are getting the seats fitted and making sure the paperwork is all up to date. I will let you know how everything went at the end of the day.
OK off to the shops now, got a new school uniform made for Jake and it's ready to collect. And I have to get some Euros to pay for this weekend, seems funny not to be able to use our local money but everything is in Euros only!
Keep checking back over the weekend - love to hear your comments too!