Monday, September 25, 2006

Finally some scrapbook pages!

Kit used:Noni, D.Tope,Scrapartist
Kit used: Vibrant Fall,Lisa Howell, Scrapartist. Fonts, Pea Carrie and I'm Bored
Kit Used: Summer Whimsy, Scrapartist, Fonts Amazing Rules,Wendy Medium, Teachers Pet
(plus a couple of elements from other sources)
Kit used: Family, Laura Bavin.

Broke Down House

I didn't intend to be away for so long, Scott keeps asking if I have posted the latest news from his last race meeting.
Time to get you all up to date -
Well, the last kart meeting was a real corker! Scott was flying, the kart was great, competition was mixed but Scott had some great battles, getting amazing starts but ending up finishing second (that's a mighty fine effort for a newbie!)
Grant and Scott are settling into a great team and are both having a blast.

Jake has been to two rugby practice sessions, fitness is a problem but he's getting there! He had a great time practicing tackling and was flying through the air. Jake has made a great start to the year at school. He is getting used to taking to laptop to the Dyslexia Unit and will gradually be using it in class. He loves his teacher and is so full of enthusiasm. I just hope he gets the results that he needs and progresses on to college here. We are keeping a very close eye on his work and his teachers are very supportive.

I have been getting used to my new schedule and this year it's actually pretty good - excellent in fact! I do have a fair bit of waiting around but at least I'm not having to make any extra trips back to the school in the middle of the day. Saves on petrol and my stress levels.

Grant is super busy but that's how he likes it. He is either at work, working on the kart or fixing up this place! A beer and BBQ at the end of the day is the height of relaxation for him.

We have had more than our fair share of breakdowns over the last week. It's been one thing after another. I was putting together a scrapbook page of everything just for fun and Scott call's out that there is water everywhere from the top balcony, what a sight, I had to get under it all to try and turn the irrigation system off, I was fully dressed and got soaked to the skin!

The really bad thing though was Scott spraining his ankle. It is quite bad. I took him the the hospital on Friday night because he went into shock and we were afraid that it may have been broken. Luckily the Xrays were clear, the doctor says no sport for three weeks. Scott tells me that kart racing is a passion not a sport and he will be out on the track for the racing this weekend. He has had two days off school because he can't walk on it so we will have to see how it heals. Grant may be in the kart yet!

I will now try to post some scrapbook photo pages. I will do a separate post just in case I have problems with blogger.

I will be back after the weekend racing.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

What do you think?

OK I had a little problem there, it didn't want to post a bigger size at first.
Anyway - the kart and Scott look great don't you think!
Scott starts back at school on the 11th, somehow he got a bit of extra time off. Jake started back last Wednesday, he is sooo happy with his teacher and with life in general. Rugby starts up next week and he is supposed to be able to jog the field twice and do 20 press ups and 20 crunches for the first practice. He has been exercising - a bit - so he will find it quite hard I think. He got puffed today just playing with the cat!
I have been busy trying to get myself more organised for this new school year. Man, its hard work being organised! And, of course, it's still to damn hot (low 40's)
I will be in touch later this week to let you know how everything is going.

One more photo

That worked - more photos

Racing Photos

Scott's 3rd Race Meeting

The last couple of weeks have been a real challenge for Scott, plenty of problems getting the kart ready and almost no time to practice. Very frustrating!
Grant has been doing his best and loads of people involved in karting here have been helping out with great advise and help. Its so nice that the atmosphere here is really supportive and so encouraging to the newbees.
The end result is what it's all about and Scott did just great. 2nd out of 3 juniors and as the numbers were again low the class was combined with the seniors. Scott and the first place getter were even overtaking a couple of the seniors. Despite the low turnout Scott's times were very fast! The kart was totally reliable and he had no incidents.
Next week is a different meeting at the new Autodrome track and there will be two new Rotax Junior karts present so the class will rise to 5. Still low really but its just starting up here and hopefully it won't take to long to get the numbers up.
I will post a couple of pictures if I can, as you can see this blog looks a little different and I have upgraded to the Blogger Beta which is unfortunately having problems with photo uploading.
I have also taken down the last few photos posted. The size was a bit to big and it was mucking things up a bit.
Let me know if you have any problems with comments etc.
BTW you will notice how different the kart looks now. The new graphics are excellent and Grant added new pods of the latest design.