Thanks for the b-day wishes, I will give a more detailed update on the blog after next race meeting coming up this weak. Hopefully with a better result. From Scott
Scott had a nice birthday, even though it was really quiet! He is still waiting for his driving lessons but was very happy to get money (thanks Sue & Mike), he also got some racing magazines and a playstation racing game.
Scott had a nice birthday, even though it was really quiet! He is still waiting for his driving lessons but was very happy to get money (thanks Sue & Mike), he also got some racing magazines and a playstation racing game.
On Scott's Birthday Jake had a rugby match at Abu Dhabi, it was in the evening but was still darn hot! Here is a photo taken at that match....
Jake was away on camp (photos when I get them developed). He had a great time with no injuries or illness. His favourite activity was snorkeling. The kids also went kayaking, wall climbing, had a talent quest and went on a dhow trip. It was an action packed few days for him and he came back exhausted but happy.
Over that weekend Scott took part in a fun day at the Jebel Ali Kart track. It was a laugh and great training at the same time. They did normal track, reversed track and oval races. Position on the grid for the first race was decided by whoever got their helmet on first (or whoever got to the line first)! Scott came second and got a nice wee voucher for his effort.
Jake was away in Bahrain for a rugby tournament. Everything went smoothly except it was such a long day. Up at 4.30am, meeting at airport at 5.45am then they finally get back at midnight. Jake came back sunburnt, no shade and most of the day spent in the pool (and no mum making sure he was using plenty of sunblock). They only had one match and again it was far to hot, no more rugby with the exception of a fun day for the season wind down.
Scott was again kart racing, no Rotax Max series as it was postponed because of the heat. It is to bloody hot but the organisers mucked around and argued all through the cold months then set the dates for the series over the hot months then cancel races because it's too hot - REALLY!!
Anyway, Scott raced in the TAG class and had another shitty day. It all started after a collision that he was not involved it sent another kart airborn and it landed on a back wheel of Scott. This resulted in a flat tyre with the little screw things that hold the air in being shorn off. I will not go into all the details, Scott tells me he will but after heroic repairs and awsome driving Scott only came sixth (4th fastest lap time overall).
I'm starting work tomorrow. Full time school hours in the learning support department at Jake's school. I'm really excited - been waiting on the go ahead for a couple of weeks and just this morning was phoned up to say I start tomorrow!
I'm starting work tomorrow. Full time school hours in the learning support department at Jake's school. I'm really excited - been waiting on the go ahead for a couple of weeks and just this morning was phoned up to say I start tomorrow!
It's going to be a bit of a shock for me - I'm always busy but now I will be running to my bosses schedule!
Anyway, it's all good and I'm sure it will be fine once I'm settled into a pattern.
Camel Jam
I've got to run now - I will leave you with this photo of the camels. We were getting sick of traffic jams on Al Khail Road so Jake convinced me to take a slightly longer but infinitely less stressful way to school. Now we count camels not cars!
I really have to go now - will add credits for the scrap pages later today. Cheers for now and thanks for all your comments.
keep the photos coming Frith. I love seeing them. I'm doing Art classes at the moment and absolutely loving it! Im incorporating my photos with my work so watch this space..... I havent been this excited about something for ages. Boating Magazine doing an article on our boat. Got some great photos. I'll get Sam to help me email you some. I promise! Dorene
By the way Nic and Me off to Japan on the 29th June for 10 days I think. School trip! What happen to going to the zoo or museum. Anyway Brent thought I should go so I'm off too. Any chance of meeting you there!!!! Just joking. Dorene
Hi Dorene
Mixing art with photos - sounds fasinating! a perfect match up. I'm looking forward to those photos of the boat, when is the mag comming out?
Japan - now that will be interesting and sooo different from NZ. No chance of a meeting but we can wave through the plane window, we are leaving here on the 28th June so will still be in the air on the 29th!
Where you off to on the 28th June? and I just read that you got a job. Well good luck. I'm sure you will be good at it BUT boy are you going to be busy. I reckon people who work are alot more organised than those who dont because they have to be so GOOD LUCK! Perhaps I should get a job!!
That comment was from me Dorene. I forgot to put my name ... so much to remember. Got some great photos of our boat from the people doing the article. I'll let you know when its going to be published. Keep in touch.
Dorene I remembered that time!
Check your emails Frith I send you some photos.
Gidday again Dorene,
On the 28/29th we are heading back to NZ. Straight to Christchurch (OK Mum???) Will be in AKL late July and early August.
You are right about the organisation (I'm still getting there!)
Got the boat photos, thanks, will email you!
Hi, Great to hear from you great photos.Mum says ``Yep OK``& looks forward to seeing you on the 29th don`t get caught in CamelJam.
Bye now Dad
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