It was amazing watching the racing at night. We picked up pizza's on the way and then parked by the terraces really close to the action. That area was pitch black (except for the headlights whizzing past) and almost deserted. It was quite surreal and heaps of fun. The boys loved it. The night was freezing cold (Dubai standards) so we were rugged up and wrapped in blankets. The chill began to creep in eventually and we returned home just before midnight. We missed the fireworks, didn't know about them, so that was a bummer. We could, however, see the fireworks for home and could hear the cars in the distance all night, that was kinda nice.
This panorama is very rough, just taken from the stands, but I thought it would give you an idea of what it was like.
Jake has a mini Rugby tournament this weekend against the usual rivals Abu Dhabi. Scott was supposed to be racing but that has been cancelled. The organisation of events for Karting is just about non-existent. The Exiles Rugby club is great, it's so well organised.
Scott also has an upcoming trial desert camp for the Duke of Edinborough Award. We have had no word about that either. What's the bet that they will both happen on the same weekend!
Regarding the Karting, Scott has come to a big decision about that. Scott will move up into the seniors class starting from his next race (whenever that is). As he is almost 16 he had the choice and because the Junior class was usually very small last year he has decided to move up. So he now has a new engine and the old one has been modified back into a senior for a spare. Of course, I would really have preferred him to stick with the juniors, it would be less dangerous and he would have easily picked up his share of trophies and prize money.
Scott, however, sees it differently. He is keen to better himself and is happy to be scrapping it out with the seniors, his reward is his own improvement and he would rather give up those easy podiums for the better competition.
That's great in theory, I'm still going to be a worried mess hovering in the background.
The changing face of Dubai in the background. Ski Dubai is located at a new mall. Mall of the Emirates is where I do my shopping every week.
The pre-start time is a real media circus, we had a good vantage point from the grandstand.
I think these two are considering an upgrade on the Kart!
There was a drift racing demo, the boys were impressed! We were pit side and didn't have a great view.
I hpoe you like the new look of my blog, I spent ages trying to figure out how to go about putting a new heading up. I think it looks pretty good for a first attempt.
I have also started to list some blogs and web sites that I visit. You might find some of them interesting, just click on them, there is a little bit of everything and I will add to it over time.
We can see Desert Mum might be tempted to get involved on the organisational side of cart racing. All the best to Jake in his rugby tournament. Seems strange to us to be playing rugby in such heat. Your website is great. Thanks for the updates and the photos. It is a lovely way to feel part of your lives
Andys last day on Monday. Starts his new job on Tues on permenant afternoons. Raewyn has sale at work so her feet are noticing that by the end of the day. Ducati is already for the big ride. Just going to put on a new chain so everything is spic as possible
Hi, Great photos of your GP race track it must be great to have it so close, Ian is away this w/end up at Taupo A1GP first time in NZ we saw qualifying on TV Kiwi car is Black Magic 3rd on grid so look forward to race tomorrow.Good luck to Scott he`s got the right attitude I wish him all the best.
Looking forward to seeing the Duccati Boys later Stephen has joined the gang. Bye now Dad.
Hey everyone, nice to see you all checking in!
Jake had a good tournament - details and photo to come soon.
Grant and Scott have been busy with the kart.
Not sure about the kart organisation - to much politics at the moment, to many people pulling in different directions. A job at the Autodrome would be good though!
We look forward to hearing Ian's firsthand reports on the A1.
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