Saturday, September 09, 2006

What do you think?

OK I had a little problem there, it didn't want to post a bigger size at first.
Anyway - the kart and Scott look great don't you think!
Scott starts back at school on the 11th, somehow he got a bit of extra time off. Jake started back last Wednesday, he is sooo happy with his teacher and with life in general. Rugby starts up next week and he is supposed to be able to jog the field twice and do 20 press ups and 20 crunches for the first practice. He has been exercising - a bit - so he will find it quite hard I think. He got puffed today just playing with the cat!
I have been busy trying to get myself more organised for this new school year. Man, its hard work being organised! And, of course, it's still to damn hot (low 40's)
I will be in touch later this week to let you know how everything is going.


Andy and Raewyn said...

We are getting experts at reading blogs now. Thanks for your efforts. It is very interesting to read. Congratulations on Jake getting player of the daY. Good on Scott with his racing. The homework stations are a great idea.
Go well all of you.
Andy and Raewyn

Anonymous said...

Nice to see you dropping by!!!!!
Love to get comments - it seems kinda lonely around here sometimes :}